Practical tiling tips

Professional Grouting Top Tips

Here at Tiles 2 Go, we are Preston’s leading tiling experts. With more than 25 years of tiling experience, we know just how challenging DIY tiling can be. After all, once you have your perfect tiling feature planned out, you know exactly how you need it to look. And creating this look can not only be stressful, but at times it can feel impossible. As a result, we have produced this guide to practical tiling tips, to help you on your way to tiling success.

Make sure your measurements are accurate

The last thing you want is your measurements to be out. Even a couple of millimeters can cause a problem with tiling. As a result, we advise that you dont just measure once. Make sure you double or triple check.

If you are measuring the space to be tiled, before you set off to choose your tiles, measuring is even more important. Imagine being three quarters of the way through your tiling project and realizing that you’ve ran out of tiles. Not only will this ruin your adhesive drying timings, what happens if you cant find the same tiles?

To avoid the drama, buy more tiles than you need. After all, spare tiles can always be useful, while too few tiles is nothing but a problem.

Make sure your equipment is in check

One of the best practical tiling tips we can give you is to make sure that your equipment is organised. If you will need to cut tiles to fit your space, make sure you have the equipment ready to use. Once you start tiling, the last thing you want to do is stop to organise your tools.

Use tile spacers

When it comes to tiling, we know what we are talking about. So, if you only take one thing from this article its this: use tile spacers. There is nothing worse than tiles that are mismatched or not lined up correctly. If you want your tiling to look professional make sure you use tile spacers.

For more information or advice, or if you are ready to begin your tiling project, get in touch with the experts today, here at Tiles 2 Go.